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Ücretli Hizmet JMXVBlender | Blender plugins for Silkroad Online

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ZaKuRa Çevrimdışı


Aile Üyesi
Feb 11, 2023
Hello there!
Yes, as you read. I'm selling 3D Blender plugins which I made for Silkroad Online.
Plugins :
  • JellyBMS.py : Import and export the mesh from models, their bounding box, vertice groups with weights, texture name assigned, clothes information, lightmap, navmesh (export working on simple structures).
  • JellyBSK.py : Import and export the armature from models, auto fix root bones and also with an option to import them in connected mode to visualize them easier.
  • JellyBAN.py : Import and export animations as NLA tracks into the armature. You can scale it on import, even assign FPS and cyclic mode on export.
Price :
One plugin (whatever you choose) 500$ USD, two at 800$.
You want them all, in bundle? 1000$.

Are you interested? Contact me on Discord: JellyBitz#7643

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What I need to use it ?
A: Blender 2.8+. 2.92 it's the version I use (3.0+ May don't work and I don't have way to fix it since I use Win7 only)

Q: Where to download Blender 2.92 ?

Q: How I'll install the plugin?
  1. Extract the plugin
  2. Open Blender, check the menu bar "Edit > Preferences > Addons"
  3. Find the "Install" button and select the plugin .py files previously extracted
  4. Enable/check the plugin by searching as "JMXV", they'll show up
  5. They're now activated, you can check "File > Import" or "File > Export" to confirm
Q: Do you have a tutorial about how to use it ?
A: I made recently a video which contains the most important aspects:

Can I create avatars with it ?
A: Yes, it would be much easier if you already do it.

Q: What more I can do with it ?
A: You can take a look to my to find out. Important to mention JMX File Editor which is a key factor to get such results.

Q: Will you teach me how to use them ?
A: I cannot teach you, but I can provide you support if you need to understand something.

Q: Why do you choose now to sell it ?
A: I'm having medical issues which requires me to do it now or never.
Lütfen dikkat !!!
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